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Other Community Resources:

Access Wisconsin – registration for FoodShare, WIC, and child care assistance
Birth Trauma Support – one to one peer support by request for people experiencing birth trauma
Dane County Perinatal Network – supporting parents experiencing perinatal mood disorders or depression
Domestic Abuse Intervention Services – support and counseling for survivors of domestic violence
Guaranteed Ride Home Program – cab voucher program for bus, mass-transit, and bike commuters

Institutes for the Healing of Racism – informative and experiential classes for community members to heal from racism in our communities
Law Center of Wisconsin – legal resources regarding parental rights for LGBTQ families
Madison Midwives – a list of midwives providing home birth, birth center, and hospital maternity care in Madison
Mamas of Color Rising – a collective of radical working class mothers in Austin, TX creating national and local change for women of color

Mother’s Milk Alliance – donate breast milk and receive breast milk
Play and Learn Program – learning environment for children over 3 and their caregivers
Rape Crisis Center – support and counseling for survivors of sexual assault and rape
Small Miracles Doula Program – doulas providing support for people unable to afford doula services
Transgender resources – local and national organizations supporting people who identify as transgender
Wisconsin Guild of Midwives – statewide professional association of licensed midwives
Women, Infants, Children (WIC) Program – access to food for pregnant & breastfeeding clients



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